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Welcome to Crockenhill Parish Council
Welcome to the official website of Crockenhill Parish Council. 
We hope you find what you're looking for. For all other enquiries, please contact the Parish Clerk who will be more than happy to help. 

Crockenhill is a rural village in Sevenoaks. Its earliest documented history starts in 1388, when the village, or hamlet as it was then, was known as Crockern-Held, which translates as "the hill where stands a pottery kiln". 

The village's farming history is still very much evident today and we are fortunate to be surrounded by agricultural farmland, Green Belt and National Landscape (formerly known as AONB). Crockenhill is a unique village with a very strong sense of identity and status that it fiercely defends whenever it feels this is under threat.

Contact the Clerk
Photo of Parish Councillors standing amongst ceramic poppies

    Parish Councillors

Crockenhill has 7 Parish Councillors
who represent the Village, Park Gate, Petham Court, Skeet Hill and Wested. 

We are fortunate to have an experienced and
knowledgeable team of Councillors, equipped with a broad set of skills and interests. They all share a love of Crockenhill and work hard to enhance and protect its amenities and interests. 

Meet Our Members
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What's New?

Find all the latest news affecting our Parish and surrounding towns and villages. You can also connect with us on Facebook.

We know we are biased but Crockenhill really is quite special! We have many active groups in the village and residents who are always quick to respond to calls to action when needed. Read through the recent newsletters and APM Minutes to see what the various groups have been up to. 
Latest News
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