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Blog Post

Local Plan

  • by Kirsty Lane
  • 20 Aug, 2019

Sevenoaks District Council's latest Press Release

Sevenoaks District Council's new Local Plan will be tested at a series of public examination hearings beginning next month.

The Local Plan comprises of proposals for new homes, business space and community improvements while continuing to protect the much-cherished Green Belt. Residents have played an important role in the development of the Plan by responding to three District-wide consultations in their thousands.

Karen Baker (DipTP MA DipMP MRTPI), a Government Planning Inspector, will chair the hearings that will check the Plan meets all the legal requirements and meets the future development needs of the District.

These hearings are open to the public who can come along and listen to any of the discussions. Residents who have previously registered an interest in speaking at these hearings may also be called upon by the Inspector to have their say.

The hearing sessions will take place as follows:

  • Week one - 24 to 27 September 2019 - The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
  • Week two - 1 to 3 October 2019 - The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
  • Week three - 5 to 7 November 2019 - The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
  • Week four - 12 to 15 November 2019 - Sevenoaks District Council Offices, Argyle Road.

Morning sessions begin at 10am and afternoon sessions begin at 2pm.

If approved, the Local Plan will become the foundation upon which all future planning applications in the District will be determined for the next two decades.

Cabinet Member for Development & Conservation, Cllr Julia Thornton, says: “After years of work, evidence gathering and input from our residents via three public consultations, we believe we have submitted a sound Local Plan for examination.

“Our Plan is strongly evidence based and strikes a realistic balance between meeting new housing targets imposed on us by national government whilst still overwhelmingly protecting our precious Green Belt, which makes the Sevenoaks District such a special place to live and work.

“We look forward to the hearings that start next month as they are an important part of the examination process, which, we hope, will ultimately lead to our Local Plan being approved and adopted during the first half of 2020.”

To find out more about the Local Plan Examination, visit


by Kirsty Lane 21 November 2024
Since the announcement by the WASPs Rugby Club on 11th November regarding ‘securing’ land within the South East, many residents have contacted Crockenhill Parish Council with their various questions and concerns.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to answer many of these questions with any certainty. We can only assume the location of the land in question is within the Parish of Crockenhill as this was one of the two potential sites that was put forward by WASPS as part of Sevenoaks District Council’s new Local Plan consultation. We have spoken with several Crockenhill landowners north of the parish for clarification and have been assured that they have no plans to sell their Grade 2/3 agricultural land or smallholdings. However, we do know that Swanley Town Council own a section of land within the parish - an area around Petham Farm. We also know that they held an extraordinary meeting on 30th October in which the only item on the agenda for this meeting (which the public were excluded from) was ‘Petham Farm agreement’.
In terms of publicly available information, we can only find two documents on Swanley Town Council’s website relating to this potential development. One was their response to Sevenoaks District Council’s Local Plan consultation earlier this year in which they OBJECTED to the WASPS stadium, and the other was the agenda item on 30th October. It would appear that Swanley Town Council has, at some point during this year, privately changed its position - despite overwhelming public objection locally.

It is not surprising that residents expect Crockenhill Parish Council to have been consulted regarding a significant agreement on land within their parish. It came as a surprise to us when Crockenhill Parish land was originally earmarked as a potential site within the consultation. Crockenhill Parish Council feel that they, and the public, have been deliberately kept in the dark throughout the whole process. We can only assume that plans, meetings, and agreements have been conducted entirely behind closed doors, without transparency, and against our wishes. We are appalled that Swanley Town Council, a neighbouring council, believe it appropriate to conduct themselves in this way. We have requested information from Swanley Town Council regarding this and are awaiting their official response.

Speaking about the WASP’s announcement, Sevenoaks District Council Member and Chair of Crockenhill Parish Council, Cllr. Rachel Waterton said: “We have been blindsided. Whilst other local councils, groups, and residents are working together to protect the greenbelt from inappropriate development, we believe Swanley Town Council is working against us. With so many other large sporting facilities close by, a sports stadium on agricultural land within a rural location, near an already overstretched road network (often gridlocked) is not the development that the local area either wants or needs. This development is going to hinder considerably more residents north of the district than it will benefit.”

by Kirsty Lane 17 July 2024
Join us!
by Kirsty Lane 20 May 2024
Join us!
by Kirsty Lane 26 February 2024
The Parish Council has joined the Hedgeway Highway initiative. We have surrounds available for sale (£1.50 each) from the Parish Council office. 

A hedgehog Highway is a 5 inch gap in a fence or wall allowing access for Hedgehogs. These gaps are essential in the battle to prevent the extinction of our endangered spiky friends.

The Hedgehog Highway allows hedgehogs to:
*Forage for food
*Meet mates to breed
*Access nesting sites

For more information, please visit
by Kirsty Lane 29 January 2024

Dear Residents,

  Emergency Planning Contact List

 Crockenhill Parish Council is in the process of updating its Emergency Plan. The Plan provides a framework for us, in the event of an emergency, to help those who may be vulnerable. Emergencies include power cuts, heavy snow and flooding.

We are updating our lists and would like to know of anyone who may rely on services such as electrical equipment or delivery of medication; are on their own and have no family living nearby; or are elderly and more vulnerable. You do not have to be a certain age to qualify. In most cases this will likely be just a quick call in an emergency to make sure all is well. In other situations, it may be that more help is needed, so Councillors will work with other agencies to ensure that support/assistance is directed where needed most.

We are also looking for more volunteers who may be able to help during an emergency. Obviously, Emergency Services are always the first port of call but there may be times when we need additional support for residents. For example, those with 4x4 vehicles may be able to assist getting people to hospital and getting shopping; those with a generator may be able to help people who rely on electrical equipment; those with Nursing experience may be able to help some of our most vulnerable. This is not intended to be a regular commitment, just help in an emergency situation.

If you would like to be added to our Emergency contact list or register as a volunteer, please contact to request a short form which can be completed in a few minutes and returned to the Clerk by 28th Feb 2024.

Thank you


by Kirsty Lane 10 January 2024
Crockenhill Parish Council has published its response to Sevenoaks District Council's Local Plan consultation:
by Kirsty Lane 13 December 2023
Please come along to the public meeting on Thursday 21st December at 7.30pm, Crockenhill Village Hall, read the guidance being sent to all homes and importantly, TAKE PART in the consultation!
by Kirsty Lane 21 November 2023

Local people can soon comment on the Council’s draft Local Plan, which includes proposals to meet the District’s future housing and development needs.

Sevenoaks District Council is working on ‘Plan 2040’, a new Local Plan, which sets out what can be built and where over the next 15 years.

Read more on the Planning page

by Kirsty Lane 18 July 2023
We are a very friendly, active, highly diverse and long established Women’s Institute group
based in the Crockenhill Village Hall, Stones Cross Road Crockenhill BR8 8LT. We usually
meet on the first Wednesday of the month (see the attached programme of events and
activities). Doors opening at 7:30 pm for an 8:00 start.

All visitors are welcome, so if interested or want more information, please come along to
meet our WI group.

Crockenhill Women’s Institute Event Programme 2023/2024

Date Presentation Speaker

7 Jun 20‘23 Hampton Court, Sex and Gossip Sarah Slater
5 Jul 2023 5 years Nursing & living in India Dee Larcombe
*13th July, 7.30pm ‘Petanque Taster’ (The Chequers, Crockenhill)
2 Aug 2023 Living in the Trenches (Open evening, guests welcome) Nick Gibson
6 Sep 2023 Reaching for the Stars  *Competition: ‘Late summer Corsage’ Paul Read
4 Oct 2023 Members Evening
1 Nov 2023 Look good Feel Good Margaret Clarkson-Bennett
6 Dec 2023  Christmas Party (Singer)
* Gifts for Bexley Women’s Aid
* Competition ‘Christmas Decoration’
Eliza Mc Lleland
Jan 2024 No Meeting
7 Feb 2024 The Love of Wine: Portugal, Port & Madeira
* Hyacinth Competition
Chris Newlands
6 Mar 2024  Social Evening
* Easter gifts for Bexley Women’s Aid
* Beetle drive (Date to be announced)
3 Apr 2024 Magician Bob Pound
1 May 2024 Annual General Meeting & Resolutions
by Kirsty Lane 5 April 2023
Statement of Persons Nominated
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