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Parish Responsibilities 2

Parish Responsibilities

The Parish Council is the first tier of local government, working on behalf of our community to improve and enhance life in Crockenhill. All our Parish Councillors and the Clerk are committed to ensuring that Crockenhill remains the beautiful village that we all love to live and work in. 

 As well as the day-to-day running of the Parish such as reporting pot holes, responding to residents' concerns, managing the Street Lighting repairs and general Village maintenance, the Parish Council also takes a longer term view of those issues that we feel may affect the village in the future whilst working hard to preserve the history of the village. For example, the Parish Council responds to all Crockenhill Planning applications affecting the Parish and is a consultee of the many KCC and SDC documents received. The Parish Council continues to keep residents informed of the latest Local Plan developments and is working with KCC Highways on possible further traffic management measures in the village.

The following list illustrates the work of the Parish Council – it is by no means exhaustive!

Provides a voice for Crockenhill

Expresses a local view on every planning application in Crockenhill and those on periphery.

Co-ordinates the Parish Council's response to SDC's Local Plan and organises public meetings and information material to keep residents informed. 

Councillors attend Development Control meetings at Sevenoaks District Council where important Crockenhill planning applications are discussed.

Meets with officers of Sevenoaks District Council regarding important issues affecting the village.

Successfully campaigned to get postal address changed to include “Crockenhill” as opposed to Swanley.

The Clerk attends local Forum Meetings with SDC and other Sevenoaks Clerks to discuss common local issues.

The Parish Council is an active member of the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC), attending training sessions and keeping abreast of important issues affecting the sector. The Clerk has successfully completed the CiLCA qualification (Certificate in Local Council Administration)

Deals with local issues

 Works closely with local PCSOs.

Purchased Green Court Meadow to preserve the open space for the future.

Pushed for double yellow lines in Main Road to make junction safer and Tylers Green Road to make the bend safer.

 Campaigned for parking outside of the shops in the Broadway to be limited to encourage greater passing trade.

Worked hard to have the Crossing patrol re-instated on Green Court Road.

Paid for Unsuitable for HGV signage to discourage large vehicles using our ill-equipped country roads.

Paid for dropped kerbs to improve accessibility within the village for wheelchair and pushchair users.

 Helps to keep Parish footpaths clean and safe.

Works closely with residents and KCC Councillor Roger Gough to get new road signs and markings in the village. 

Worked to provide Broadband for areas at Well Hill and faster Broadband for those in the centre of the village.

 Set up and maintains an Emergency Local Plan listing vulnerable residents and those willing to help in an emergency.

Supports local residents with their applications for dropped kerbs and parking bays that facilitate  wheelchair access.
Supports the local Speedwatch and Lorry Watch groups.

Maintains local amenities and the village environment

Responsible for two play areas and the grass cutting of the three parish Council-owned recreation areas including 28 acres at Harvestfield, including allotment and leisure areas.

Established the Crockenhill in Flower group, a wonderful group of like-minded volunteers who are working hard to make Crockenhill an even nicer place for us all to live and work.

Applied for a grant from SDC for picnic tables to further enhance our outdoor spaces as a place to meet families for picnics.

The Parish Council is currently looking at options for updating equipment and enhancing our public spaces - more information to be published soon.

Owns and maintains the village street lighting.

Employs Amenities Assistants to carry out weekly checks of recreational equipment for safety and ensure the cleanliness of those areas.

An annual inspection of all areas of the Village is carried out by Councillors during the Summer.

Negotiated with SDC to take over grassed amenity areas in Woodmount and Newports to

ensure their future as amenity land.

Maintains the raised flower bed in the centre of the village.

Appoints voluntary Tree Wardens and ensures that Trees are regularly inspected and necessary works carried out. 

Keeps War Memorial and Dibsdall Memorial clean and tidy.

Purchased new sign for Cricket Meadow to mark Centenary from start of WW1

 Improved and regenerated Anchor & Hope site by painting railings, planting daffodils, repairing the benches and planting bushes. Responsible for cutting the grass here 8-10 times per year.

Supports local groups and charities.

Grants made to various local groups.

Keeps you informed

Web site and Facebook page are regularly updated.

Contributes to the Community facebook page and responds to issues quickly and effectively.

Two main newsletters are distributed each year to ensure that those residents who do not have access to the internet are still kept informed. 

Distribute flyers keeping residents informed of current issues as required.

Keeps notice boards up to date 

Village Engagement

Organises annual lunch for over 50s

Recently worked with West Kent Housing on a Youth engagement exercise in the village

Parish Office open 2 days a week (please see opening times)

Villagers actively encouraged to engage with the Parish Council via social media and through events

Organises annual Easter Hunt and Holiday Activities for the Children in the Village

Organises events for significant events eg  WW1 Centenary Commemoration, Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations and Upcoming King Charles III's Coronation.

Councillors attend Community events.

Councillors attended Wreath Laying service on Remembrance Sunday. 

Project Managed rejigging Village Hall to provide a fit for purposes parish office with space for police if needed, new disabled toilet, moved table store to make more accessible, doors on hall for more secure playgroup, new committee room.

 Project Managed the design and build of the Heritage Room at the back of the village hall.

Produced a Heritage Walk booklet for the village.

Campaigned for staggered railings on the Village Green to make it safer for children

Campaigned for staggered railings in Woodmount to deter motorcycles and make it safer for residents

11 full Council meetings are held each year along with a slightly smaller number of planning meetings. There is also an Annual Parish Meeting once a year.

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